In the Public Council under the MFA was created a working group headed by coordinator of election programs of the Civil Network OPORA Olha Aivazovska. Propositions on improving conditions for international missions when staying in Ukraine and timely invitation to participate observation process will soon be sent to MFA.

MFA should take into consideration, that due to international election observation practice during many years, were formed traditions and norms according to which representatives of professional delegations and missions organize their own work. The national legislation may fail to provide standards which are obligatory for organizers and leaders of missions and are established by their internal regulations. Therefore, the state which strives to show that it’s ready to conduct transparent and fair elections, and is interested in attraction of maximum number of international observers, should satisfy their organizational necessities.

Working group will initiate consideration of sending in advance invitations to international institutions, which traditionally organize missions; securing right on simple and free of discredit system and procedure of observers’ accreditation; assisting organization of meetings with the authorities, election commissions of different levels, administrators and Register custodians etc; assistance in resolving conflicts provoked by the third party attempts to prevent meetings of representatives of international missions with candidates, members of political parties, NGOs, or to move freely on the territory of Ukraine without restrictions and special notifications, to have unimpeded access to polling stations, commissions of different level on all stages of campaign.

Reference: According to the Law of Ukraine “On Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine” Article 79 (8) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and other executive bodies shall assist official international observers and international organizations in exercising powers.”

Detailed information:
Press-service of the Civic Network OPORA