Before the official election season started, representatives of NGOs, people's deputies, diplomats and experts assembled to analyze electoral legislation, discuss the role and influence of NGOs on the election process, to know expectations of parties and politicians from the future campaign. The event was organized by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and the Civic Consortium of Election Initiatives.


The Head of the Board of CVU Oleksandr Chernenko noted, that the positive electoral innovation is giving NGOs the right for observation during elections, which they didn't have during Kuchma times. From the other side, the public still has no real influence on the legislative process: “We’ve got only imitation of communication between the public and the government – stated Chernenko. - Representatives of our Consortium were included to the membership of the working group on elaboration the election legislation, but only some motions were included to the text of the law.”


“Most falsifications we expect to happen in majoritarian districts, - said Iryna Bekeshkina, Head of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, - where will be elected a half of the Parliament.” She also emphasized the importance of sociology in election control. For conduction of national exit poll on parliamentary elections was created a sociology consortium, consisting of I. Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology and Razumkov Center. 20 thousand of voters on 400 polling stations are going to be inquired during the exit poll on Parliamentary elections. On the last elections the inquiry was conducted on 300 polling stations, that’s why sociologists hope to get more accurate results.

Most falsifications are expected to happen in majoritarian districts


About the experience of the last elections to local governments and potential threats for organization of fare and competitive campaign told Olha Aivazovska, coordinator of election programs of the Civil Network OPORA She emphasized, that certain norms of a law on elections to local governments that don’t correspond international standards and were duplicated in the bill by Oleksandr Yefremov, and removed from the final version of the law. In particular, unbalanced principle of election commission formation, absence of proper requirements concerning production and bulletins circulation control, actual permission for voting at home for all voters without exception. “However, there are still actual problems that to a lesser extent related to the applicable law and are dependent on political will before the conduction of democratic elections. In particular, that is intimidation of candidates and unlawful interference of law enforcement and tax authorities in the electoral process, exerting pressure on members of election commissions by employers and officials, using budget costs on agitation for a ruling party candidate, influencing the election results by spoiling ballots and rewriting protocols on DEC level. We understand, that different candidates use these instruments of influence. It’s not feature of the certain political group, although administrative resource may be used only by ruling party candidates,” – stated Olha Aivazovska. On previous elections in 14% of territorial election commissions OPORA observers recorded multiple facts when seals were carried out from polling stations, what is a criminal offence. Thus, heads of DECs received the possibility to “update” protocols personally.

“The process of redistricting is taking place now. Their number in every oblast will be known before April 30, and their boundaries – before April 30. The public must make some efforts to get public discussion of these processes,” – noticed coordinator of election programs of CN OPORA. Summarizing everything said: “The public plays an important role in this situation. It may detect violations; inform law enforcement bodies and society about them, and watch the way law enforcement bodies react on such information,” – summed up Olha Aivazovska.

The public plays an important role in this situation. It may detect violations and inform law enforcement bodies and society about them


Founder of the Chesno Civic movement Oleh Rybachuk told that, in order to form parliament of really responsible politicians, it’s necessary to put public pressure on parties. Chesno movement prepared six “moral criteria” for checking candidates. Besides constant political position according to the will of the voters, not to be involved in corruption, there were added criteria concerning deputies: they should be present on their working places in parliament not less than 75% of time and vote by own cards.


“We always hear that a phrase, that elections solve nothing. In fact, it’s one of technologies, - says Viktoriia Siumar, executive director of the Institute of Mass Information. - It’s obvious, that elections always solve something. People will chose what they are proposed.” Viktoriia Siumar gave statistical data from the Institute of Mass Information, according to which 69% of Ukrainians receive news form TV and only 31% - from the Internet. “Election results usually depend on these 69%,” – states Viktoriia. Viktoriia Siumar told about tendencies of Ukrainian television: Absolutely minimal presence of social and political issues, even in news, absence or engagement of experts, censorship, especially in regions. According to Siumar, mass media is convinced that the elections should be enlightened for money, that’s why television is full of hidden advertizing. Special talk shows are to be created for elections and politicians will have to pay for participation. “There is no versification of electronic mass media. Journalists which could resist policy of media owners, don’t work on TV, except two TV channels,” – says the expert.

Despite a political crisis, which demoralizes society, lower confidence in politicians, civil organizations plan to control election process and appeal to society to actively participate building civil society in Ukraine. There will be less violations during election process, if political forces will know, that their every step is under public control, and the public knows about all violations. The government Ukraine is going to have depend on every member of society.

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