Chairman of the Board of the Civic Network OPORA named negative factors which may influence the result of future elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. “The preconditions we can see today and actions of potential candidates on district level in certain regions show that, unfortunately, elections will be problematic...

The preconditions we can see today and actions of potential candidates on district level in certain regions show that, unfortunately, elections will be problematic...


There are 3 things to influence most the election results. First – administrative resource (although we are being convinced that its role is to be minimal). Second – voter bribery. We are already receiving information that funds for bribing voters are already being collected from business structures. The investigation of the Democratic Initiatives Fund on request of CN OPORA on the last elections showed that every fifth Ukrainian citizen is ready to sell his voice for some money. That’s why the audience on which this mechanism is directed is still essential. Third – the selective use of law in favor of or against a particular candidate”, - noted Olha Aivazovska in live broadcasting “Discussion: This Year Elections” on “Radio Era FM” As an example of bribery, the expert mentioned “the election pyramid” in Sumy region on the last local elections, when clients hired agitators by network marketing methods, which also worked with agitators etc. “This scheme was fully revealed by journalists, but with no legislative consequences”, - summarized Olha Aivazovska.

Series of radio programs “Discussion: This Year’s Elections” – is a common project of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives and “Radio Era FM”, which is implemented within the IFES’ Ukraine Electoral law reform program with the assistance of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).