1 February on “Radio Era FM” began a series of radio programs, dedicated to the future Parliamental elections in Ukraine. Between guests will be leading experts on the election issues, in particular members of the Civic Consortium of election initiatives, members of which are Civic Network OPORA, politicians and CEC representatives. The participants of programs will discuss the political situation before elections, course and results of electoral reform, election systems, the risk of fraud and mechanisms of fighting violations, expectations of the public concerning elections and their influence on European integration. Besides that, every Tuesday and Thursday will be broadcasted thematic and informational tracks.  


Representatives of the Civic Network OPORA will participate in the program on the 15th of February.


Details on the site of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives

Series of radio programs “Discussion: This Year’s Elections” – is a common project of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives and “Radio Era FM”, which is implemented within the IFES’ Ukraine Electoral law reform program with the assistance of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).