On a conference which took place during the break in a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Thursday, leaders of the parliamentary factions came to an agreement in developing procedure for consideration of the law on election of people’s deputies. Through active search of compromise under the leadership of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Lytvyn, leaders of factions decided to create a temporary special commission which shall finalize the draft law on parliamentary elections. It shall consider all received bills on electoral issues and prepare one document for a repeated first reading.

Commission of 13 deputies, shall be formed on proportional basis. It will consist of five representatives of the Party of Regions, three deputies from the faction "The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc" Fatherland", two from the faction "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense", and one from every following factions: CPU, the People's Party and the group "Reforms for the Future."

Representatives of the parliamentary majority agreed that commission should be headed by a deputy from the of oppositional faction.

It was also decided to entrust temporary special commission with consideration opinions and comments of the Venice Commission to the draft law on elections, which was send for analysis, and submit a draft law to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine until 17 November this year.

Sourse: Official web-site of the Verkhovna rada of Ukraine