It’s a year since newly elected local councils have come to power. Deputies have already managed to show their best and worst sides. Constituents, journalists and civic experts for their part managed to form opinion about elected representatives and to evaluate their activity. One of the main conclusions – local councils are not enough open and transparent. There were few reports for constituents’ review, although the first year of the term is coming to an end.

That’s why Centre for Political Analysis and Electoral Consulting in partnership with Volyn office of CN OPORA held roundtable on the theme “Openness and accountability of local councils” in which participated deputies of local councils, representatives of political parties, political experts, civic activists and journalists.

At the beginning of the event, CPAEC Executive director Mykhailo Shelep presented motions developed by the Center experts. He stated, that Ukrainian legislature provides only general requirements concerning openness and accountability of local council deputies and councils themselves. Nevertheless, these very principles of local government are highly important in formation of an effective dialogue between the public and the politicians as well as for building trust among voters. Therefore, the regulations of local councils should provide detailed mechanisms for application of these principles in practice.

The following propositions and novations developed by civic experts should be noted:

  • to expand the list of required information about a council and deputies, which should be available to all citizens;
  • all public information about the activity of deputies should be published on the official web site of the council;
  • activity of the council apparatus should be focused on deputies, but not on the executive department;
  • new mechanisms for interaction between deputies and constituents should be put into practice: “Council public reception", presenting positions of civic associations on the stage of decision development;
  • to prescribe precise requirements concerning the necessity of regular meetings with constituents;
  • to establish general standards for a Deputies’ report.

Representatives of politicians and community which participated in the public discussion positively assessed these motions. For example, the deputy of Lutsk City Council Andrii Koziura, who introduced draft decision on the Deputies’ report, supported initiative of the Centre and was willing to introduce these issues to colleagues. Secretary of Lutsk City Council Hryhorii Pustovit mentioned, that some motions have already been put into practice, and that Lutsk City Council could become an example of openness for other councils. The other deputies that participated in the discussion, in particular Oleksandr Pyza, Anatolii Parkhomiuk, Sviatoslav Borutskyi, Leonid Laba, Andrii Kalakhan, have also agreed to submit these amendments in the Regulations for consideration on the session and introduced some other motions. However, the deputy Andrii Osipov, that was the author of current Regulations, noted that besides deputies’ activity, the requirements of openness and transparency must be set for the mayor, executive committee, and to all executive bodies of councils, because executives have more powers and means in comparison to the deputies.

Deputies of Volyn Regional Council, Valentyna Blinova and Ihor Huz, expressed regret that the work of their council is less transparent. They also doubted the possibility of making such amendment to the Regulations of the Regional Council. Advisor for the Chairman of Lutsk District Council Inna Bas indicated that there are more problems in the work of district councils, what is due to greater passivity of deputies as well as lesser interest of constituents.

All deputies of local councils that were present on the event agreed: every deputy should give a year personal report for his constituents, no matter if he was elected through the party-list system or majority district.

Representatives of civic organizations Petro Hotsaliuk and Petro Verzun proposed to estimate deputies’ work not only by statistics, but also to pay attention to certain matters of a deputy’s work and giving help for ordinary people. Zakhar Tkachuk on the example of a village Hirka Polonka explained that deputies can make their work transparent even in the village council if they wish.

To conclude the discussion, Centre experts suggested that everybody concerned may introduce their proposals to the draft documents. After summarizing proposals CPAEC will send official appeal to the local councils of Volyn region with recommendations on making amendments to regulations and current council activity.

For your information the Presentation of Centre for Political Analysis and Electoral Consulting motions.