28 October 2011 at 1.30pm in IA "UNIAN" (Khreshchatyk St. 4) will be held press-conference of the Civic Consortium of election initiatives. Members of the press conference will present nationwide expert inquiry on election legislation of Ukraine (more than 500 inquired experts); mention problematic points of legislation on the elections of people's deputies; indicate main threats to the future elections.

Press conference members:

Olha Aivazovska – Civil Network “OPORA”;
Svitlana Kononchuk – Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research;
Viktor Kylymar – web-site "Elections in Ukraine";
Oleksandr Chernenko – OECD Committee of Voters of Ukraine.
Iryna Pushkar
(044) 286 26 70

Press conference is implemented within the project ”Assistance in further strengthening the election process in Ukraine” funded by the European Union and supported by the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine.