2 November 2011 in Lviv, Mateika St. 6 (conference-hall “Panorama” in “Dnister” hotel, 10 floor) will be held public discussion on theme “Will a new law “On Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine” provide fare and open parliamentary elections, or not?” Beginning at 11am. To take part in debates are invited representatives of NGOs, political parties and independent political experts from the Western Ukraine.

The aim of the event is to discuss main advantages and drawbacks of the presidential draft bill “On Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine” and consider alternative options of the parliamentary electoral system in Ukraine.

Besides that, there will be presented position of the Civic Consortium of election initiatives (CVU, OPORA, ALI and UCIPR) concerning presidential electoral bill and all participants will be informed about the activity of working group on improving the election legislation under the president of Ukraine. In addition, there will be considered opinions and comments of the Venice commission, OSCE/ODIHR and International foundation for electoral systems (IFES) concerning the draft bill “On Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine”

Oleksandr Neberykut
+38 063 628 68 37