27 October 2011 in Donetsk, Titova 15 (hotel "Shakhtar Plaza", a large hall) will be held public discussion on theme “What kind of election law needs Ukraine?” Beginning at 11am (registration starts at 10.30) The event is organized by the Civic Consortium of Election Initiatives complemented by CVU, OPORA, Agency for Legislative Initiatives and the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research

Topics for discussion:

  • Electoral systems for national and local elections (electoral system, chosen by the President of Ukraine and the activity of President’s working group)
  • Opinions and comments of the Venice commission and OSCE concerning the bill “On Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine”
  • Principles of election commissions and district formation
  • Electoral systems that are already practiced in Ukraine

In order to widen the circle of civic experts and to attract everyone who is interested in reforming electoral legislation, to take part in public discussion were invited officials and local authorities, representatives of political parties, NGOs and mass media, election commission members, experts on elections.

There is also planned live Internet broadcasting; participants of public discussion will be able to question experts and representatives of political parties personally and through Internet.

To participate public discussion register by the phone number 095 – 766 - 52 – 77 not later than 12am on 26 October.

Anastasiya Prokopenko
Project manager of OECD Committee of Voters of Ukraine
