It is not so easy to enter the university for getting the master degree.

Graduate bachelors appeal to the CN “OPORA”, that keeps surveilling the entrance campaign in the universities, because of the problem of the absence of the diploma, - without this document they can not file the necessary documents for the master program in another university.

We remind, that joining of the Ukraine to the Bologna process includes the two-grade education system (both bachelor and master programs). The person has the right to study in the master program if s/he has already got the bachelor degree and successfully passed the entrance exams (foreign language and the appropriate profile exam). In addition, the graduate has the right to choose either to stay in the alma mater or to move to another university.

To have the right to pass the entrance tests, the graduate should file all the required documents to the enrollment board. One of the documents needed is the original of the diploma certifying the bachelor degree. However, as it turned out, not all the universities have already given the diplomas to all the graduates.

The CN “OPORA” was addressed by the former students of the Lviv National University of Agriculrure, who have graduated from the four-year bachelor program and got the diplomas with honours, but the documents are still unreachable for them.

The public observers were assured in the university administration that on July, 1st, 2011 the order about the assignation of the bachelor degree to the students who got the excellent marks for their diplomas. All the information was passed to the Ministry of Education to be included in the certificates. As life shows, such certificates are passed to the university nearly a month later, in the end of July. The curiosity of the situation is that the deadline of the document admission finishes on July, 20th.

If the graduate decides to continue studying in the LNAU, s/he has no need to pass the original of the document, hence the faculty authorities files the list of the graduates (former LNAU students) wishing to continue studying in the university. Nebertheless, if the graduate decides to study in another university, s/he should file the original of the certificate, as it is one of the obligatory documents for the admission board.

It turns out that, while declaring the possibility to get MSc  and BSc  in different universities, the Ministry of Education doesn’t help the students to realize the right. The possible solution is, probably, the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Ukraine, that will include the possibility for the graduates to file the fragments of the Dean’s decree about the appropriate bachelor degree of the certain student instead of the certificate.

Focal person:

Olha Strelyuk
 the observation coordinator in the 2011 entrance campaign in Lviv
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