Turnout in the early elections of the Kharkiv mayor as of 20:00 was 28.6% (error - 1.1%). In the 2015 local elections, turnout was 45.5%.

In the by-elections of the People's Deputy in constituency 184 (Kherson region) today, as of 8 PM, voter turnout was 20.6% (error - 2.5%). For comparison, in 2019, in this constituency, voter turnout as of 20.00 was 46%.

In the district №197 (Cherkasy region), the turnout in the by-elections of the people's deputy today as of 20.00 was approximately 25.4% (data may change slightly, by a maximum of 2%). For comparison: in 2019, in this constituency, voter turnout as of 20.00 was 52%