Civil Network OPORA has officially launched a wide-scale observation campaign for the next local and the regular local elections in the territorial communities, scheduled for 25 October 2020. OPORA realizes civic observation to provide impartial assessment of election process and its administration, as well as to prevent electoral violations through an efficient citizen watchdog.

OPORA will inform the public about the course of campaign, assess the political context and how well all the stakeholders follow the legislation, international election standards, rights and freedoms of citizens at each stage of the election process, including pre-election period.

We have deployed 188 long-term observers, who will monitor the campaign in each oblast of Ukraine (except for occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) and prevent violations on the side of electoral subjects.

More than 2,000 short-term observers will join them on the election day, who will report on the situation at polling stations and territorial election commissions, as well as prevent violations and abuses during the vote count. OPORA will not conduct a parallel tabulation, as long as each community is a separate level in local elections. However, observers will realize a statistically-based observation on the election day, and all qualitative information on practices and violations will be representative for the whole Ukraine.

OPORA held several cycles of both online and offline trainings for its observers, dedicated to the legislative aspects of election administration. At each stage of the campaign, observers will continue to train using professional techniques and accompanied by the best electoral rights experts.

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OPORA's observation is realized with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the USAID's Local Monitoring of Political Processes in Ukraine project. Opinions and statements expressed in the publications may not coincide with the position of USAID and the US Government.