The Central Election Commission has created, as an exception, special polling stations in military units and on territory of Joint Forces Operation. The corresponding decision was taken on its 14 March meeting.
The CEC has received a petition from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to create for regular election of the President of Ukraine, as an exception, special polling stations and the corresponding precinct election commissions on territory of military units.
Having considered the documents, the CEC decided to create as an exception special polling stations and the corresponding precinct election commissions on territory of military units (formations).
“With this resolution, we create conditions for realization of voting rights by servicemen, who are protecting the sovereignty of our country on the territory of JFO,” – member of the CEC Mykhailo Verbenskyi stated.
This decision was supported by 14 members of the CEC, Andrii Yevstihnieiev and Tetiana Yuzkova have abstained.