Last week (September 5–11), the Armed Forces of Ukraine continued the counterattack and had significant gains in various sections of the front, especially in Kharkiv region, where they liberated a number of places and forced the opponent to retreat from most of the captured areas. However, russian military leaders do not admit their defeat but call the retreat the “scaling down and redeployment of troops”.

Against the backdrop of Ukrainian counter-offensive success, russian politicians have been increasingly talking about the need for negotiations to end the war. However, they no longer insist that the negotiations should take place on russian terms. kremlin officials have softened their stance — they only want russia's interests remain unaffected. However, Ukraine was not impressed by this. Ukrainian politicians took a tough position: negotiations can be possible only when russia leaves all occupied territories, in particular Crimea, and ceases to act like a terrorist.

In addition, russia wants to wind down the "grain deal" and has launched a disinformation campaign against Ukraine in order to shift the guilt for food security problems, discredit our state in the eyes of the world, and minimize resistance to their invasion. To this end, russia is spreading the message that Ukraine allegedly hardly sells any agricultural products to Asia and Africa. However, in Kyiv, this information was refuted and the data was published confirming that 102 vessels have already left Ukraine through the "grain corridor". 54 ships with 1.04 million tons of grain went to Asia, 32 ships with 0.85 million tons went to Europe, and 16 ships with 0.47 million tons left for to Africa.

Also, russia is threatening the EU with the cold winter season. Moscow claims that they cannot supply gas to Europe due to the alleged malfunction of the “Nord Stream”. But if the sanctions are lifted, then, he said, russia will quickly repair everything. In Gazprom, the official reason for stopping the gas supply was called a “leakage of motor oil” in the turbine. However, the turbine manufacturer, Siemens Energy, refuted this information, saying that the leaks of oil products that Gazprom is talking about cannot lead to the disruption in operations of the gas pipeline.

Success of the Ukrainian Counter-Offensive

In early September, Ukrainian troops launched a counter-attack in several directions. During the last month, the public space had much information claiming that the main axis of strikes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be in the south, and the main goal will be to liberate Kherson and other occupied territories on the right bank of the Dnieper River.

It seemed quite convincing because the Ukrainian troops intensely shelled the bridges that were used for the logistics needs of the russian army, and struck the military bases and warehouses of the occupiers. That is why both Ukrainian citizens and the leaders of the russian army believed in the plan. Therefore, being wary of a counter-offensive, russian commanders threw additional forces from other sectors to Kherson.

However, unexpectedly enough for the russian army, Kharkiv became the main vector of attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ukrainian troops managed to achieve significant success and liberate several important settlements.

“The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to liberate the russia-occupied territories. Since the beginning of September, more than 3,000 square kilometers have been reclaimed under the control of Ukraine. On the Kharkiv axis, we began to advance not only to the south and east but also northward. There is only 40 km left to reach the state border. The seizure of powerful fortifications of russian troops, which they proudly called 'Maskva', 'Omsk', and 'Piter', made it possible to deploy a counterattack on Balaklia, Izyum, and Kupyansk,” — wrote the head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valery Zaluzhnyi, in his Telegram.

As usual, russians do not admit the defeats. They continue to search for “creative” ways to label their retreat so as not to call it the retreat. Previously, they used the term "act of goodwill." First, they used it to describe their departure from Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy regions, and then — from the Snake Island. Instead, in Kharkiv region, russia labelled their retreat as the reduction and redeployment of troops. The russian Defense Ministry must have decided that it is easier for to explain regrouping to their citizens than “an act of goodwill”.

"For three days, an operation was carried out to wind down and redeploy from Izyum-Balakliya group of troops to the DPR territory; a number of distracting and demonstration activities were carried out," the message of the russian Ministry of Defense informs.

The kremlin is softening their rhetoric about possible negotiations but Ukraine is not impressed

On September, 4, the spokesman for the russian president, dmitriy peskov, softened his rhetoric about possible negotiations. Previously, he stated that russia was ready to negotiate with Ukraine only on their own terms, which in fact implied capitulation for our country according to the russian plan. Now the politician says:

“Any confrontation ends in deescalation. Any crisis situation ends at the negotiating table. The same will happen this time. It is unlikely to see it happen sooner, rather later. But it is going to happen. The other thing is that we will have invaluable experience and the lessons learnt of how to engage in dialogue with them. It's not that it must be on our terms but in the manner that our interests are not affected in any way.”

peskov's words did not go unnoticed in Ukraine. However, they did not impress any of the country's political leaders. Kyiv is convinced that, given the situation on the front and the increased international isolation of russia, potential negotiations should take place on the terms of Ukraine and only after the victory of our country in the war.

“Once again, let me remind you of the basic axiom. Negotiations are possible but only on terms and conditions of Ukraine, i.e. after the return of territories and the liquidation of criminal enclaves. It is clear that the ‘putin's nestlings’ are not ready to face the new reality, and continue to contribute to the lists of KIA with their recruits..."— wrote Mykhailo Podoliak on Twitter.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spoke even tougher, during the meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES), on September, 10, in Kyiv. He said that Ukraine does not intend to start negotiations with the RF and called on the West not to believe any of putin’s promises.

“We can't afford to stop. This is my main message to everyone who thinks something out there, some of the leaders even, are pushing us somewhere into someone's extra embrace. Nope. We can't afford to stop!.. Before we feel that the victory has been gained,” the President said.

Volodymyr Zelensky also emphasized that it makes no sense to negotiate with russia at this point because they do not fulfill any of their commitments.

“We want to end the war but the environment and the opportunities have changed. Society doesn't want to talk to terrorists. Although one can talk even to terrorists because they know what they want. On the contrary, russians cannot be negotiated with — it is not clear whether they fulfill anything. We believe that they will not fulfill their commitments,” the President explained.

Regarding the possibilities for diplomatic means, the President of Ukraine said that first, the russian federation should leave Ukrainian territories and stop acting like a terrorist who started a full-scale war against our country.

“In order for us to open a diplomatic corridor with them, they have to show the political will that they are ready to give back other country’s land. Then we can talk about at least some corridors that open up certain diplomatic steps," explained Volodymyr Zelensky.

At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of russia, sergei lavrov, also spoke about the negotiations. As soon as the next day, on September, 11, russia launched a missile attack on one of the largest CHP plants in Ukraine, which left several regions cut off power supply.

One cannot deny that it is weird demonstration of willingness for dialogue. It is unlikely that after such actions russia can count on negotiations. This war demonstrates that the more russia's actions try to intimidate Ukraine, the more resistance they meet.

putin wants to reconsider the grain deal because he thinks he has been fooled

British intelligence claims that russia is carrying out an intentional disinformation campaign trying to shift the blame for food security problems, discredit Ukraine, and minimize resistance to their invasion.

As part of this campaign, russian President vladimir putin, speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum, stated the need to limit the directions of exporting products through  the "grain corridor" from the territory of Ukraine because all grain seems to be heading to the EU rather than to the developing countries, as previously envisaged.

According to putin, "if we exclude Türkiye as a mediating country, then virtually all grain exported from Ukraine goes not to developing countries or to the poorest countries but to EU countries."

“There are only 2 ships loaded under the UN World Food Programme, which is precisely offering support to countries in greatest need. Let me emphasize, there are only 2 ships out of 87. And they exported 60 thousand tons of food out of 2 million tons. This is only 3% delivering to developing countries,” added the russian dictator.

However, putin's words are not true to the fact, which is not surprising. The claims were refuted by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. On September, 7, in his evening address, he called putin's line an “outright false statement” and noted that 102 ships have already left Ukraine for Asia, Africa, and Europe through the “grain corridor.” 54 ships with 1.04 million tonnes of grain were going to Asia, 32 ships with 0.85 million tonnes- to Europe, and 16 ships with 0.47 million tonnes left for Africa.

In addition, Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized that Ukraine sells food to all countries that need it, in particular to those that have not yet provided help to Ukraine in the war against russia. The President also assured that Ukraine was, is, and will continue to be a guarantor of world food security.

“Unlike russia, we do not make a racist division of the world into those who deserve to live without hunger and into those who supposedly do not. We support all people and all countries. Both those who help us and those who shied away from helping us so far. Let me reiterate: Ukraine has been, is, and will continue to be the guarantor of world food security,” he emphasized.

russia began to threaten the EU with the cold winter in their attempts to lift Western sanctions. In fact, despite all the statements of russian politicians, sanctions proved painful for the russian economy. Thus, on September, 5, kremlin spokesman, dmitry peskov, said that problems with gas supply along the "Nord Stream" will continue until the West lifts the sanctions.

“Problems with pumping came about because of the sanctions that were imposed on our country and on a number of Western powers, including Germany and the United Kingdom. There are no other reasons that would lead to pumping problems,”said peskov.

According to the russian politician, because of the sanctions, all the work of the pipeline “is kept on one unit that requires serious maintenance” and it is impossible to do this because of the sanctions.

May we remind you that on September, 2, russia stopped gas supplies to EU countries due to the alleged malfunction of the “Nord Stream”. In Gazprom, the official reason for terminating the gas supply was called a “leakage of lubricant” in the turbine. However, it looks like the pretext is perfunctory. This is confirmed by the turbine manufacturing company, Siemens Energy. They said that leaks of petroleum products, which are referred to by Gazprom, can not lead to the termination of operations. Thus, the company commented on the statement of Gazprom that the export gas pipeline will be completely stopped until the equipment is fully repaired, since the malfunctions detected by Rostekhnadzor do not allow to ensure the safe operation of the last operating gas pumping unit, writes Mirror of the Week with reference to Reuters.

“Such leaks usually do not affect the operation of the turbine and can be repaired on site. This is not the reason for the shutdown of the gas pipeline”, the statement of Siemens reads.

In Ukraine, they agree with the opinion of imaginary reasons for stopping the pipeline and emphasize that energy blackmail is an instrument of russian policy aimed at disrupting stability and well-being in Europe, as well as at shaking European unity and forcing EU countries to stop supporting Ukraine in the war.

“With his energy oriented blackmail, putin wants to disrupt the stability and well-being of every household in Europe. Those who propose to give in would only create additional problems. putin's pacification by means of selling Ukraine is the pact with the devil that will bring neither peace nor stability,” Kuleba wrote on Twitter.

peskov’s rhetoric was supported by his immediate chief, vladimir putin. In fact, on September, 7, at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, he said that russia is ready to resume the operations of the Nord Stream overnight if the repaired turbine is returned to them.

In addition, the russian president responded to the plans of the European Commission to set a borderline price for russian gas, as well as to the intentions of the G7 countries that agreed on the introduction of a mechanism to limit the prices of russian oil exports. putin has traditionally threatened Europe with the cold winter. The head of state noted that russia would not implement decisions that would contradict current contracts.

"And besides, we will not supply anything if it goes contrary to our interests, and we will have only one thing left to say, as in the famous russian fairy tale: 'May you freeze over, the tail of a wolf,'" said the russian dictator.

However, the russian president must have forgotten what the tale is actually about, and who the positive and negative characters were. The words about the wolf's tail belong to the fox who deceived the wolf and recommended him to fish in the ice-hole using his tail. The wolf followed the advice and lost his tail that stayed in the frozen ice-hole. Then he realized that he had been fooled, so he knocked the living daylights of the fox. And then, he was taught to fish.

If putin compares himself to the fox from that fairy tale, he should remember that although she was cunning, in the end she was left with nothing. You can’t have it both ways – so you get neither fish, nor friends.

Original article: Ukrainska Pravda