TV program Dear Deputies is a joint project of the OPORA, Hromadske TV, and the First National TV Channel, the First National TV channel and USAID's program the RADA. This weekly program provides the audience information about activities and inaction of MPs, their salaries, offices, internal matters, soviet spirit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and international experience of parliamentarism. This program is goaled to explain complicated things in a comprehensible way and make people smile if there is a reason.

Watch in these series: How to get a public service position for a relative? Spicy stories from "close" assistants. What are primaries and how do they work? Visa-free regime: why have MPs failed to vote for the bills required by the EU?

- Visa-free regime: why have MPs failed to vote for the bills required by the EU?

To establish visa-free relations with the EU, Ukraine has to adopt a number of laws on preventing and combating corruption, European standards and practices of access to public information, denationalization of communal mass media, freedom of media, amendments to the Labor Code concerning nondiscrimination etc. Lesia Hanzha, Editor of the Dostup do Pravdy web portal, Dariia Kaleniuk, Executive Director of the Anticorruption Action Centre, and Bohdan Hloba, Executive Director of the Tochka OPORY Fund commented on this failure to adopt the needed legislation.

- How to get a public service position for a relative? Spicy stories from "close" assistants.

Dear Deputies have noticed that relatives of MPs are included in the lists of paid assistants to MPs of VII convocation. Watch details in the series.

- Rubric "Vokabula": we asked MPs what are primaries.

Primaries – are preliminary elections organized inside of a party to select the strongest (the most persuasive) candidates for nomination in national or local elections. See details here.

- The rubric "How do they do?" will tell you where and how the primaries are organized.

- District #23: how the life of community changed after MP Ihor Yeremieiev passed away in August.

Do citizens wait for quick reelection and how have they been managing the problems for the last two months?

Learn about this in the series “Dear Deputies. Volyn”.

The Civil Network OPORA - a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.
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