TV program Dear Deputies is a joint project of the OPORA, Hromadske TV, and the First National TV Channel, the First National TV channel and USAID's program the RADA. This weekly program provides the audience information about activities and inaction of MPs, their salaries, offices, internal matters, soviet spirit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and international experience of parliamentarism. This program is aimed to explain complicated things in a comprehensible way and make people smile if there is a reason.

In nineteenth series of the TV program, we are going to talk with Vice Speaker of the Parliament Andrii Parubii  will inspect his offices. We'll also know more about MPs' immunity and the situation with MPs Melnychuk and Kliuiev, talk to a majoritarian MP from Cherkasy oblast Serhii Rudyk and check whether MPs know the concept "denunciation".

More about this series:

- Personal shower room and entrance to the Parliament's roof – what do offices of the First Vice Speaker Andrii Parubii hide?

We'll talk to the First Deputy Chairman of the Parliament about local benefits: state guard, shower room, personal entrance to the Parliament's roof; and ask him what he lacks.

- MP's immunity - is it really necessary? About the procedure of lifting MP's immunity in Ukraine and the meeting of the Committee on Rules of Parliamentary Procedure.

MPs Serhii Melnychuk (Volia Narodu) and Sehii Kliuiev (Opposition Block) are under close watch of the public these weeks after the Prosecutor's General Office of Ukraine requested lifting their immunity.

- The rubric "How do they do?" tells about peculiarities of lifting MP's immunity in European Union Member States.

- Program Dear Deputies in Cherkasy oblast inspected district #198 with representative in the Parliament Serhii Rudyk (non-faction), who was elected for the first time.

MP Serhii Rudyk has registered 35 draft laws (none of them has been adopted yet), submitted 25 inquiries and took the fool 7 times. According to the declaration, Serhii Rudyk had 102 thousand UAH annual income for 2014, plus 360 thousands earned by his family members. The MP declared 55 square meters of housing and land plots comprising 629 and 900 square meters. Although Serhii Rudyk hasn't declared any automobile, he visits his district in a fancy car and brings "presents". Watch the series to find out more details.

- Rubric "Vokabula" tells how MPs understand the concept "denunciation".

Whether MPs understand the concept "denunciation" correctly (a legitimate, and legally correct method for the termination of a bilateral international agreement or exit from multilateral international agreement according to the procedure and terms stipulated by such agreement). We asked Volodymyr Parasiuk (non-faction), Valerii Patskan (Petro Poroshenko Block), Anton Kisse (Revival group), Ivan Myrnyi and Ihor Shurma from the Opposition Block, and Oleksandr Kirsh (People's Front).

The Civil Network OPORA - is non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.
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