TV program Dear Deputies is a joint project of the OPORA, Hromadske TV, and the First National TV Channel, the First National TV channel and USAID's program the RADA. This weekly program provides the audience information about activities and inaction of MPs, their salaries, offices, internal matters, soviet spirit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and international experience of parliamentarism. This program is goaled to explain complicated things in a comprehensible way and make people smile if there is a reason.

The fourteenth series of the program that was broadcasted on 13 April covered:

- Special reporting – a bicycle or a car: what's better to commute to the Parliament? We'll conduct a test-drive and try to park correctly.

- Let's see the other world – we'll tell about MPs riding bicycles in Britain, Netherlands and Uganda.

- In the rubrics "Parliamentary mathematics", colleagues of the program Dear Deputies in Volyn analyze income declarations of MPs in Volyn for 2014.

If we choose to believe official numbers, MP Serhii Martyniak (Volia Narodu group of MPs) owning the Pan Kurchak Agroindustrial Group has much higher earnings than his colleagues MPs – two co-owners of the Kontynium group Ihor Yeremeiev (Volia Narodu) and Stepan Ivakhiv (Volia Narodu). There's also information about income and property of other MPs from Volyn oblast, particularly Ihor Huz (People's Front) and Yurii Savchuk (People's Front). Who cuts a dash and who lives for wages? You'll know from the series.

- Rubric "Vokabula": do MPs remember the text of the oath?

We'll also talk to Mariia Matios (Petro Poroshenko Block), Oleh Berezniuk (Samopomich), Yurii Bereza (People's Front), Serhii Leshchenko (Petro Poroshenko Block), and Mykhailo Holovko (non-faction).

The Civil Network OPORA - is non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.

All series of the program Dear Deputies | Parliamentary monitoring | Website

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