TV program Dear Deputies is a joint project of the OPORA, Hromadske TV, and the First National TV Channel, the First National TV channel and USAID's program the RADA. This weekly program provides the audience information about activities and inaction of MPs, their salaries, offices, internal matters, soviet spirit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and international experience of parliamentarism. This program is goaled to explain complicated things in a comprehensible way and make people smile if there is a reason.

 The twelfth series of the program that was broadcasted on 6 April covered:

- "Parliamentary mathematics": factions' attendance at meetings of committees, MPs that haven't chosen a committee yet, and ten MPs "shriekers" which haven't attended any meeting of committees.

Civil Network OPORA has analyzed the minutes of VRU committees' meetings. For the first months of the Parliament of VIII convocation, MPs of the People's Front show the best attendance at meetings of VRU committees – 88.98%. The Samopomich faction has 86.67% attendance; Petro Poroshenko Block – 81.98%; AUU Batkivshchyna faction – 78.36%; Radical Party of Oleh Liashko – 74.65%; non-faction MPs – 57.84%; Opposition Block – 50.7%; Revival group – 47.71%; and Volia Narodu deputy group – 44.15%.

It turned out that ten MPs have never visited meetings of committees:

- Three representatives of the Volia Narodu group: Ihor Yeremeiev (Volia Narodu) missed all 9 meetings of the Committee on Affairs of Veterans, Combatants, ATO Participants and Disabled People (according to Minutes #1-9 of Committee meetings); Stepan Ivakhiv missed 8 meetings of the Committee on Construction, Urban Development, Housing and Communal Services and Regional Policy (according to Minutes #1-8 of Committee meetings); Viacheslav Bohuslaiev missed all meeting of the Committee on National Security and Defense (according to Minutes #1-19 of Committee meetings, not including protocols #15 and #18, which are not available for the public).

- Two MPs of the Opposition Block faction: Mykhailo Dobkin missed 12 meetings of the Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government (according to Minutes #1-12 of Committee meetings), and Yurii Boiko missed all 9 meetings of the Committee on Affairs of Veterans, Combatants, ATO Participants and Disabled People (according to Minutes #1-9 of Committee meetings).

- non-faction MPs: Pavlo Baloha missed 12 meetings of the Committee on Taxation and Customs Policy (according to Minutes #1-12 of Committee meetings), Konstiantyn Zhevaho missed 14 meetings of the Committee on Judicial Policy and Justice (according to Minutes #1-14 of Committee meetings).

- Oleksandr Presman from the Revival deputy group missed all 13 meetings of the Committee on Budget (according to Minutes #1-13 of Committee meetings);

- Ruslan Solvar from the Petro Poroshenko Block missed all 6 meetings of the Committee on Transport (according to Minutes #1-14 of Committee meetings).

- Nadiia Savcehnko (Batkivshchyna), is illegally detained in pretrial detention center in the Russian Federation and, therefore, can not implement her duties as an MP as well as attend meetings of the Committee on National Security and Defense.

It should be mentioned that there are MPs which do not belong to any committee: Yurii Babii (People's Front), Yaroslav Lesiuk (Petro Poroshenko Block) and Serhii Melnychuk (Volia Narodu group).

- Which peculiarities Georgian Parliament has?

Camera crew of the Dear Deputies in Cherkasy has visited new Georgian Parliament. How do MPs commute, what do they eat in cafe, and how does a futuristic session hall in Kotais looks like? Our exclusive reporting will tell you everything.

- Second league: what do the parties which failed to overcome the electoral threshold do?

Leader of the Civic Position party Anatoliy Hrytsenko, who was elected 6 of 7 times to the Parliament will tell us about it. Besides that, we will visit office of his party.

- In the rubric "Soviet", artist Zhanna Kadyrova tells us about the meaning of social realistic decorations on the facade of the Verkhovna Rada.


The Civil Network OPORA - a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.

All series of the program Dear Deputies | Parliamentary monitoring | Website

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