TV program Dear Deputies is a joint project of the OPORA, Hromadske TV, and the First National TV Channel. This weekly program provides the audience information about activities and inaction of MPs, their salaries, offices, internal matters, soviet spirit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and international experience of parliamentarism. This program is goaled to explain complicated things in a comprehensible way and make people smile if there is a reason.

The eights series of the program that was broadcasted on 9 March covered:

In rubric "Committees": we'll visit a meeting of the Committee on Economic Policy and know why the consideration of the Law on Ukrnafta is delayed despite it's expected to give Ukraine 1 billion UAH. The following MPs will share their opinion on efficiency of the Committee: Hennadii Chekita (Petro Poroshenko Block), Viktoriia Ptashnyk (Samopomich), as well as the Head of the Committee Andrii Ivanchuk (People's Front).

VRU Committee on Economic Policy has failed to conduct meetings three times this week due to the absence of quorum. The only question on the agenda is the bill #2273 which returns the Ukrnafta to the state ownership (billionaire Ihor Kolomoiskyi is a shareholder). There is suspected conflict of interests involving the Committee Head Andrii Ivanchuk (People's Front faction). However, Mr. Ivanchuk refused to confirm in interview that he shares the business with Kolomoiskyi. However, the billionaire himself affirms that he and the MP are co-owners of the Tekhinservis, a company producing eco fuel. If the bill #2273 is adopted, the oligarch will have to pay 1.7 billion dividends to the state.

Parliament's vehicle fleet: an enterprise with 40 million UAH year budget.

Parliament's vehicle fleet contains nearly 152 cars and is one of the most non-transparent department of the Verkhovna Rada. It turned out that it's not a mere garage, but an enterprise with its own car repairs, control point, canteen with "Soviet" prices and even a gas station with prices as of 2014.

In rubric "Parliamentary mathematics" we'll know about specialties of MPs of VIII convocation on the mpment of their election:

  • 155 persons – previous convocation MPs;
  • 94 persons – businessmen;
  • 49 persons – state servants;
  • 33 persons – public figures;
  • 31 persons – unemployed;
  • 20 persons – representatives of local self-government;
  • 19 persons – representatives of law-enforcement;
  • 12 persons – jurists;
  • 9 persons – representatives of education and culture;
  • 5 persons – journalists;
  • 3 persons – physicians;
  • 2 persons – pensioners.

We will also interview MP Andrii Zhurzhii (Samopomich), who has declared the highest income of 423 MPs for 2013.

Parliament fights: as it turned out, some incidents in Ukrainian Parliament are in the top parliament fights of the last year. Website "Parliament Fights" publishes the most outstanding incidents in parliaments all over the world.


The Civil Network OPORA - is non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.

All series of the program Dear Deputies | Parliamentary monitoring | Website

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