Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels welcomes the willingness of the European Union and the Government of Ukraine to sign the Association Agreement in the nearest future and deems it necessary to implement the Agreement as an integral document that encompasses the political association and economic integration as stipulated by the founding documents of the Eastern Partnership. 
We regard the future signing of the Agreement as commitment of both parties to the European aspirations of Ukraine and their willingness to continue working together to ensure a democratic development of Ukraine.

We welcome a declaration made by the EU that it is ready to introduce, unilaterally, trade preferences for Ukraine that were stipulated in the Agreement and we support the intentions of the parties to take into account the economic difficulties that Ukraine is facing at the present time.

We call upon the parties to sign the Agreement within the shortest possible time frame.


The Liaison Office Member organizations:
1. Centre for political and legal reforms
2. DiXi Group
3. Europe without Barriers
4. European Centre for democracy development
5. Ilko Kucheriv Democratic initiatives Foundation
6. Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation
7. Internews – Ukraine
8. OPORA civic network
9. Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR)

For additional information, please contact Ms. Olena Prystayko, Head, Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels

Tеl.: +32 (0)488 292 743

Email: [email protected]