During two plenary days, MPs were trying to compromise on Yuliia Tymoshenko's treatment abroad and adoption of EU-integration laws – regarding public prosecutor's office and amendments to electoral legislation. In result, two draft laws were adopted as the basis. Tymoshenko's fate can be determined on the special sitting of the Verkhovna Rada, which may be held on the next week.

Everything had started on Thursday morning. On November 7, the Draft Law (#3461) on making amendments to the article 84 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the possibility of treatment abroad for convicted persons, registered by unaffiliated MP Anzhelika Labunska, was the first on the agenda. It is called to get permission for Yulia Tymoshenko's treatment abroad – one of requirements of the European Union. However, right after the sitting had been opened, Speaker Volodymyr Rybak announced a break and invited heads of factions to a conciliation meeting.

Голова ВРУ

Meanwhile, on Hrushevskoho St., near premises of the Verkhovna Rada, adherents of the opposition were rallying in support of the EU-integration and draft laws regarding the treatment abroad for convicted individuals. It seemed that there were more flags than people. VRU's hedge and entrances were encircled by the BERKUT Special Forces.

Мітинг опозиції




In the session hall next to the rostrum, representatives of the opposition placed banners saying "Freedom to Yulia!".


It was almost half past twelve when leaders of factions came back to the hall. Leader of the AUU Batkivshchyna Arsenii Yatseniuk proposed to include draft laws pertaining to EU-integration issues into the agenda: draft law on the public prosecutor's office, on the elections, and Tymoshenko's treatment abroad. However, Yurii Miroshnychenko, representative of the President in the Parliament, objected in his speech, saying that factions failed to find a consensus on the draft law on Tymoshenko's treatment abroad, and the Party of Regions suggested that this draft law should be elaborated. The opposition was indignant. Volodymyr Rybak proposed to vote on EU-integration draft laws after 4pm, and closed the morning sitting of the Parliament.


At 4pm, despite the MPs were called to gather in the session hall, the evening sitting hadn't started. Pat Cox, and Oleksandr Kvasnievskyi, which came with the mission of the European Parliament regarding solution of selective justice in Ukraine, attended the meeting of VRU Head and heads of factions.

Members of Parliament and journalists were waiting for more than two hours. At 6pm, Mr. Rybak has announced that the VRU sitting will be held at 10qm on Friday, because they still negotiate with the Europarliament mission of Mr. Cox and Kvasniavskyi. Disappointed, MPs left the session hall.


In the lobby, Mykhailo Chechetov repeated loudly for the camera: "The Party of Regions is moving towards the Europe with such a speed, that the opposition is far behind."

Михайло Чечетов

Mr. Cox and Mr. Kvasnievskyi left the Parliament very quickly, and didn't give any comments to journalists.

Today, on November 8, the sittign has started as usual, at 10am. MPs observed a minute of silence in memory of the communist Mykhailo Herasymchuk, who had passed away on November 7, welcomed representatives of the European Monitoring Mission, Mr. Cox and Mr. Kvasnievskyi, and Volodymyr Rybak announced that he's going to continue negotiations with heads of factions, and MPs shall consider issues according to the agenda.


MPs were indignant, but Mr. Rybak left the hall anyway.

EU-integration draft laws weren't included into the agenda. Deputy Head of the VRU, Ihor Kalietnik was putting issues to vote, particularly regarding the appointment of special local elections, Draft Resolution on the celebration of 100th anniversary of the foundation of Karadag Biological Station. However, the opposition refused to vote and demanded that draft laws pertaining to EU integration were included into the agenda. In result, the Deputy Speaker started to read parliamentary inquiries. The session hall became empty.


At 12am, journalists received information that Mr. Cox and Mr. Kvasnievskyi had already left the office, where they held negotiations with leaders of factions. MPs started to gather in groups and consult.



Arsenii Yatseniuk announced that the Party of Regions is not ready to resolve the issue of Yuliia Tymoshenko's treatment, what became apparent during negotiations in the office of Mr. Rybak. Yatseniuk, in his turn, announced demands: to conduct a special sitting of the Parliament on Tuesday, and vote for EU-integration draft laws – regarding the public prosecutor's office, on the elections, and Tymoshenko's treatment abroad. He said, that if the Party of Regions won't agree to hold a special sitting and vote for these draft laws, if will mean that the signing of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is impossible.

Арсеній Яценюк

During the briefing, leader of the Party of Regions Serhii Yefremov announced that draft law regarding the possibility of treatment abroad for convicted persons should be officially registered. When the journalists asked about a new draft law, which the opposition gave Yefremov in the morning, he answered that it's "a piece of paper with few lines", and that it's not registered. According to Mr. Yefremov, he proposed his colleagues from the opposition to register a new draft law and give it to the working group, which will prepare an agreed bill.

Сергій Єфремов

Unaffiliated MP Serhii Mishchenko, author of the Draft Law on Making Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Possibility of Treatment Abroad for Convicted Persons, stated that if the Verkhovna Rada doesn't adopt a draft law and doesn't send it for further elaboration, than it means that it's neither adopted, nor is going to be considered. In fact, it's possible to create the working group on elaboration of draft laws, if MPs will vote for its creation.

Сергій Міщенко

In the session hall, MPs were discussing EU-integration draft laws. Arsenii Yatseniuk has told that there is a document, signed by 150 MPs, regarding the special sitting of the Parliament on Tuesday, November 12. During the discussion, Mr. Yatseniuk agreed to hold it one day later.

There is a document regarding the special sitting of the Parliament on Tuesday, November 12 signed by 150 MPs.

Finally, MPs voted for the creation of a working group regarding improvement of the bill on treatment of convicted persons abroad, drafted by Ms. Labunska. The working group was created on a proportional basis. In other words, the majority of the group will consist of pro-government MPs. Thus, the consideration of Tymoshenko's treatment abroad was postponed.

Volodymyr Rybak announced that the draft law #3541 regarding the public prosecutor's office (proposed by the President of Ukraine) was included into the agenda. The decision was taken. 286 MPs voted for the adoption as the basis, only the Communists Party abstained from voting. 287 MPs voted for the reduction of minimum period for the preparation of draft law regarding the public prosecutor's office to the second reading.

As for draft law #3396 on Making Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine on Improvement of Electoral Legislation to the agenda, almost all MPs voted for its inclusion into the agenda. 281 MPs voted for its adoption as the basis and reducing the period of preparation for the second reading.



Рішення прийнято

This afternoon, press-service of the Parliament has disseminated a press-release, stating that the VRU Head Volodymyr Rybak is ready to sign the order on the conduction of a special plenary sitting of the Parliament on November 13. There are 150 signatures in support of the special plenary sitting on November 12 or 13. During the sitting, the following issues are to be considered: fulfillment of Ukraine's engagements to the Council of Europe, draft law regarding the possibility of treatment abroad for convicted persons. "I will sign this order, so that the Verkhovna Rada could assemble on Wednesday, and consider urgent issues which should be considered," - emphasized Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

We remind that the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius, where the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement may be signed, will be held in 3 weeks, on November 28-29.

Ivanna Kobelieva, Civil Network OPORA