Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada has filed a cassation against the case regarding OPORA’s access to its manning table.

Civil Network OPORA applied to the Court because, on March 27, it had sent an information request to the Chairmen of the VRU Apparatus, asking to provide a copy of manning table, and received a refusal. On September 24, Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeals satisfied the OPORA's request and had left the decision taken by the court of first instance without any changes. Thus, Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was obliged to provide a copy of the manning table to OPORA. However, the defendant has filed the cassation with the following argumentation: "We believe that the first instance court and the court of appeal have taken illegal decisions, which shall be reversed, as long as courts have made incorrect conclusions, which contravene the regulations of substantive law."

OPORA, for its part, is convinced that court decisions are lawful and in compliance with regulations of substantive and procedural law. Therefore, it has submitted a counter against the cassation, as long as the manning table of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine belongs to the public information, which is administered by the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada.

For today, there is no information about the date of consideration of the cassation.