From May 22 to June 1, 2013 the Civil Network OPORA was conducting an Expert poll "The Verkhovna Rada of VII convocation:first results." The research was aimed at assessment of internal parliamentary processes, role of the Parliament in society and the state government system, as well as topical directions for the future parliamentary activities. 40 experts, particularly representatives of specialized NGOs, parliamentary journalists and editors of the national media, leading scientists, sociologists, political scientists and political technologists, participated in the poll. The poll was conducted through personal interview and remote processing of questionnaires (the full version of the research and list of experts is available here.)

According to the experts, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is rather dependent than independent subject when it comes to taking important for the country decisions. The President of Ukraine, the Party of Regions Faction, and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine have the greatest impact on the functioning of Parliament.

The level of parliamentary control over activities of executive bodies, secured by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, its influence on Government's priorities and political decisions of the President of Ukraine, is unsatisfactory. However, if comparing the Parliament of VI convocation after Victor Yanukovych was elected as the President, the level of influence of the current convocation has risen. Besides that, the political competition in the deputy corps has increased. Instead, the use of mixed election system on 2012 elections didn't have positive impact on the efficiency of Parliament.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Rybak didn't manage to demonstrate equally distant position to parties, factions, the President, and the Government, as well as proper level of political independence. As a result, this circumstance complicates establishing stable and efficient activities of the Parliament.

 The Parliament still doesn't have stable pro-power majority, as long as it requires constant coordination of varied interests and compromises for specific agenda items. Most of inquired experts have stated that the agreement between three opposition factions (AUU Batkivshchyna, AUU Svoboda, UDAR), becomes more complicated due to difference in political goals and interests.

The experts are convinced that compromises on functioning of the Parliament, achieved by MPs of Ukraine, have controversial results. There is no definite solution for non-personal voting on plenary sittings, what is violation of the Constitution of Ukraine. At the same time, division of regulatory functions and leading positions in committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine between pro-power and opposition forces was quite unjust.

According to the inquired, an off-site sitting, conducted by pro-power MPs on 4 April, 2013 created threatening preconditions for neglecting any opinion of the opposition. Nevertheless, continuous blocking of parliamentary sittings, as a political reaction of the opposition, should not remain systematic practice.

The incidents of AUU Batkivshchyna members leaving the faction are manifestations of political corruption. In order to prevent such incidents in the future, peculiarities of the election and party system should be taken into consideration, what requires making amendments to legislative regulations.

According to the experts, the best political strategy for the Parliament of Ukraine would be development of their own reforms for the country. Among the most important necessary changes would be strengthening controlling functions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and reforming internal parliamentary procedures.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine should concentrate its activities on problems in the law-enforcement and judicial systems, as well as fighting against corruption, economic reforms and strengthening of local self-government. The Parliament should secure free and fair voting process for 2015 Presidential election on legislative level.

The experts have also determined the most important measures to increase accountability of MPs to the public. First of all, it's liquidation of non-personal voting practice; introduction of  anti-corruption expertise of legislative initiatives; introduction of effective sanctions for ignorance of duties, absence on plenary and committee sittings; introduction of independent monitoring of income and expenses of MPs; and introduction of strict requirements to reporting back on activities of MPs.

The majority of inquired experts are convinced that in case the national referendum on powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is held, the Parliament should take any measures to prevent it.

For comment, please contact:
Olha Aivazovska,
Electoral and Political Programs Coordinator,
 063 617 97 50,   [email protected]