On June 17, Civil Network OPORA presented interim results of parliamentary monitoring campaign, focused on activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of VII convocation. The monitoring covered MPs' activeness and content of their legislative initiatives, activities of parliamentary committees, changes in their majority and activities of MPs.

MPs of VII convocation have registered 1,958 legislative initiatives during the first half-year period of cadence.

Having registered 523 draft laws and resolutions, the AUU Batkivshchyna faction became the most active faction. The largest faction the Party of Regions is on the second place with 509 registered initiatives. Non-faction MPs registered 155 draft laws, AUU Svoboda – 110, the Communist Party of Ukraine – 106, UDAR – 95. 460 interfaction draft laws and resolutions were included to the general results of parliamentary activities.

Economic and financial issues were topical, with 492 legislative initiatives registered during the first half-year activities of the Parliament. 401 draft laws were devoted to politics and state administration; 350 – to law enforcement; and 296 to social issues. The smallest number of draft laws and resolutions concerned security and defense issues (15) and foreign affairs (14).

Economy, finance, and administration were mostly considered by the AUU Batkivshchyna (26% of its draft laws), the Party of Regions (39%), and the CPU (37%). AUU Svoboda was focused on ecology and environment – 22% of its legislative initiatives concerned these issues. 28% of laws drafted by the UDAR regulated the law enforcement system. Non-faction MPs were mostly interested in social issues (30%). 47% of interfaction draft laws pertain to policy and state administration.

Since newly-elected Parliament of VII convocation started its activities, only 35 purposeful legislative initiatives and 217 formalistic legislative acts were registered. The most influential lawmaker is, assuredly, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanykovych, as long as 13 of his draft laws were adopted. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is on the second place – 10 legislative initiatives were adopted by the Verkhovna Rada. Oleh Tiahnybok and Oleksandr Yefremov share the third place – each of them had registered 5 bills that became laws. Petro Symonenko, Arsenii Yatseniuk, Vitalii Klychko, and Vitalii Kovalchuk have drafted 3 purposeful bills that were adopted by the Parliament.

The most popular committees are: Committee on Budget – 37 members; Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations – 28; and Committee on Taxation and Customs Policy – 27. The Committee on Matters of Pensioners, Veterans and Persons with Disabilities, and Committee on Informatization and Information Technologies are the smallest ones with seven members in each. Four MPs don't belong to any of committees.

During the first half-year activities of the Parliament, the political influence in committees has changed. On April 18, 2013 253 MPs supported amendments to Resolution on the VRU Committees. According to it, the parliamentary majority has received control over 21 committees. The opposition overbalanced in seven, and one committee remained politically balanced.

draft laws from factions

tematyka zakonoproektiv

uliubleni temy frakcij


the most influential law initiators

sfery diialnosti najbilsh i bajmensh populiarnyh komitetiv

zmina formativ bilshosti

For comment, please contact:
Olha Aivazovska,
Electoral and Political Programs Coordinator, +38(063)6179750,  [email protected]