Since June 16, the TV program Dear Deputies will be broadcasted on the 5th Channel, every Sunday at 8pm. Therefore, parliamentary activities in Ukraine will become more comprehensible and open for wider audience and bigger number of voters.

Journalists Yuliia Bankova and Andrii Saichuk will explain the citizens, WHAT the Parliament is and HOW it works. They cover thorough observation of activities and inactivity of MPs in the Verkhovna Rada, committees, and districts.

The program will cover analytical materials and infographics prepared by the OPORA Network. Reporting from parliamentary lobbies and districts, in which MPs promised to represent interests of voters, will help understand whether elected deputies fulfill their duties with diligence or not.

Andrii Saichuk: "It's important that the program will be broadcasted on the 5th Channel, which has wider audience (than TVi where we were broadcasted before). We believe that our program will enhance the transparency of the Verkhovna Rada, which, for its part, will lead to its greater influence. Goal of our program - is not to criticize the parliamentarism. It's rather an attempt to increase its efficiency together."

Yuliia Bankova: "Having received the precious mandate, MPs ferget about people, and don't think that reporting to the voters is something worthy. We remind them than it is. Similarly, people forget about MPs, so to say, – they are celestial beings, and won't help anyway. But we come and say: "Here is a reception, and here are election promises. Go and demand." It's important that citizens were aware of what MPs are doing. However, the goal of our program is not to criticize. We want the Parliament to be influential. Among the changes we are waiting for - is a considerably widened audience thanks to the coverage on the 5th Channel.

Watch every Sunday at 20.10, how Dear Deputies motivate PMs to work properly and make them closer to world standards.