The opposition has registered draft Resolution on Creation of a Temporary Inquiry Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Investigating Facts of Attack Against Mass Media Representatives on May 18, 2013 in Kyiv; and draft Resolution on Consideration of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine V.P. Pshonka reporting on observance of Ukrainian legislation and investigation of violations of citizen rights and freedoms, ruthless beating of mass media representatives and inaction of law enforcement representatives during the Rise, Ukraine! rally.

Draft resolutions were registered by MPs of Ukraine Arsenii Yatseniuk, Vitalii Klychko, and Oleh Tiahnybok.

Besides that, during VRU sitting on May 21, Arsenii Yatseniuk has announced in his speech a statement of opposition factions, which concerned the abovementioned demands and call to the Party of Regions to provide a list of "fascist" organizations: "As for fascist organizations, against which the Party of Regions fights, we wants the PR to give a list of those forces it fights against. This is the reason why we demanded to invite the SBU Head to the Parliament".

The opposition has announced such demands after the Minister of Internal Affair of Ukraine Vitalii Zakharchenko drew attention in his speech to the BRDM Armored Reconnaissance/Patrol vehicle standing in the center of Kyiv and fight near it. The attack on journalists, in fact, remained unconsidered.

We remind that a group of young athletic-looking people started a fight with nationalists on Velyka Zhytomyrska St. during rallies on Saturday. The police didn't interfere, according to the Ukrainska Pravda. When correspondent of the Channel 5 Olha Snitsarchuk and press photographer Vladyslav Sodel started recording the fight, young people have beaten them to blood.

Reporting from the Verkhovna Rada are available on OPORA's page on Facebook and Twitter.