Grafit - VR12 speech recognition system secures keeping verbatim record of MP's statements during plenary sittings of the Parliament, meetings of Conciliation Board of parliamentary factions, Committees, temporary special and investigation commissions. State Administrative Office of the Verkhovna Rada has spent almost a million for this purpose. While verbatim records of plenary meetings and statements of MPs are being published on the official site of the Parliament, records of Committees and temporary investigation commissions are not fully available.

While verbatim records of plenary meetings and statements of MPs are being published on the official site of the Parliament, records of Committees and temporary investigation commissions are not fully available.

As long as most of verbatim records are not available, citizens and journalists are deprived of their right to access information on motives, subject matter, and procedure for the adoption of socially-important decisions, however, large sum of taxpayers' money were allocated for this very purpose.

In 2012, the State Administrative Office of the Verkhovna Rada spent almost 1.5 million UAH on equipment for parliamentary activities organization. Lion's share of the total amount, particularly 875 thousand UAH, was spent on Grafit - VR12 speech recognition system. This system was to be used for making verbatim records of MP's statements.

Obligation to keep verbatim records of MP's statements is determined by the law. According to the Law on Committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, "Minutes and verbatim record of the Committee are official documents, which prove the discussion process and decision making, opinion and recommendations of the Committee." The Law on the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine contains similar regulation. Speech recognition system should have secured verbatim record of plenary sittings of the Verkhovna Rada, as well as meetings of the Conciliation Board of parliamentary factions, Committees, temporary special and investigation commissions.

Technically, Grafit - VR12 speech recognition system consists of almost 30 automated workplaces, several servers, blocks, and network equipment. The most expensive part of the system is software, which had cost taxpayers 250 thousand UAH. It was developed by the RPE (Research and Production Enterprise) Omega LLC. This company had won the tender on updating the automated stenography system in the Verkhovna Rada. However, nobody else participated in the contest. The Grafit system was updated in 1994, 1999, and 2004.

According to the information provided by the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada in its official answer to information request sent by OPORA, 20 of 29 committees keep verbatim records of their meetings. The Law of Ukraine on Access to Public Information provides that documents which contain socially important data shall be published by government bodies on their official sites. Still, only the Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information and the Committee on Culture and Spirituality are regularly publishing verbatim records in Internet.

Temporary special and investigation commissions in the Parliament don't keep verbatim records of their meetings. Only one temporary investigation commission on reconsideration of voting results during 2012 Parliamentary elections was created by MPs of the current convocation. However, this body couldn't start working because MPs from the Party of Regions, which constitute the majority in this commission, are ignoring the meetings.

Analysis of adherence to legislative requirements regarding verbatim records of Committees of the Verkhovna Rada of VII convocation

Committees which keep verbatim records and publish them
Committees which keep verbatim records, but don't publish them
Committees which don't keep verbatim records
Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information
Committee on Budget
Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety
Committee on Culture and Spirituality
Committee on Matters of Pensioners, Veterans and Persons with Disabilities
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on Family Matters, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism
Committee on Transport and Communications
Committee on Legislative Support of Law Enforcement
Committee on Entrepreneurship, Regulatory and Antimonopoly Policy
Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations
Committee on Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Ethics and Support to Work of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Committee on Health Care
Committee on Construction, City Planning, and Housing Service
Committee on Judicial Policy
Committee on Finance and Banking
Special Control Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Privatization
Committee on Economic Policy
Committee on Culture and Education
Committee on Information and Information Technologies
Committee on National Security and Defence
Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government
Committee on Environmental Policy, Use of Natural Resources and Chornobyl Aftermath Mitigation
Organized Crime Control and Anti-Corruption Committee
Committee on European Integration
Committee on Taxation and Customs Policy
Committee on Social Policy and Labour
Committee on the Rule of Law and Justice
Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and International Relations
For comment, please contact:
Olha Aivazovska,
coordinator of electoral and political programs,
063 617 97 50,  [email protected] 
The Civil Network OPORA - is a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.