The civil network OPORA is claiming with regret that the UCEQE has no idea, how much money had been spent because of the graduates’ nonappearance. So, the observers from the organization are ready to explain, where did they take the astronomic number more than 10 mln hryvnias, and not 865 960 hryvnias, as claimed by the UCEQE.

For already two years, since the University admission terms let the graduates to file the IET certificates of different years and to graduate without testing (to the graduates before 2007), there is a constant growing of non-appearance to the testing centers. It results in spending the state costs that could be spent for the better tests quality, rising of payments to the administration and organizers, updating the material and technical base of the developers, etc. But the developers’ money are wasted because it’s impossible to predict the number of graduates who decide to ignore the tests and use the previous results. OPORA has always objected against the equality of certificates of all years. The testing score is rating, not absolute, it is not the evaluation of knowledge but the place of the graduate in the national annual rating influenced by the level of tests’ complication, that differs each year, and the knowledge of the graduates, that is also variable.

Counting the spending, OPORA used the following data. The real non-presence of the graduates in 2011 for all the tests is not 11% as it was during the Ukrainian language and literature tests, but 13,55% - here is the first inaccuracy of the UCEQE. OPORA collected the results for every test in both absolute and percentage digits. In June the information was provided as the answers to official requests of OPORA to UCEQE. Besides, there is a profound mistake on the website of the Ministry of education, science, youth and sports of Ukraine, because there is only the number of graduates who didn’t come to the testing but not the cases of ignoring. One graduate can miss the tests from 1 to 5 times, and it multiplies the expenditures. So, OPORA counted the real absences – 128 701 for all the subjects. So, the true sum of the odd expenditures because of non-appearance, even counting the direct spending of money for producing the tests and logistics is not 865 960 hrn, as it is stated by the UCEQE, but 4 million 414 thousand hryvnias! But OPORA would like to remind the testing administration that the non-appearance leads to the indirect expenditures that were not included in the message on the website of the Ministry. Nearly 70% of costs is spent on the paying to organizers of testing – the UCEQE assignees, the people responsible for testing centers and their assistants, senior instructors and their assistants, on-duties, etc. If there was a possibility to plan the attendance, in 2011 it wouldn’t be necessary to use 8580 rooms with 17160 senior instructors and their assistants – and all this would cut the state costs for testing.

OPORA had oriented itself to the price of the trial tests that is not free for the residents of Ukraine and cost 84 hrn to each participant. According to the data released by the Center, the expenditures for each participant on one test were 31 hrn. Hence the UCEQE is NGO and the trial testing doesn’t presuppose expenditures for checking the tests, OPORA pays attention of the public to the profound overstate of the testing organization price and asks the Center to explain such fact.

The information about the cost of staff cervices (according to the Decree of Ministry of labor and social policy of Ukraine # 119 from 30.03.2009):

  • The assistant of the person responsible for the testing point – 23.13 hrn per hour, not more than 8 hours a day;
  • The senior instructor – 21.25 hrn per hour, not more than 6.5 hours a day;
  • The instructor – 16.25 hrn per hour, not more than 6.5 hours a day;
  • On-duty person – 15.63 hrn per hour, not more than 6.5 hours a day.