The press conference about the result of the EIT in Mykolaiv region took place on June, 23 in the press hall of the newspaper “Yuzhnaya Pravda”. The deputy head of the Mykolaiv regional institute of the post-graduate pedagogical education Lyudmyla Zaviryukha and the OPORA observers Viktoriya Tonkovid and Dmytro Bashtovyy shared their opinions with the journalists.

The press conference about the result of the EIT in Mykolaiv region took place on June, 23 in the press hall of the newspaper “Yuzhnaya Pravda”. The deputy head of the Mykolaiv regional institute of the post-graduate pedagogical education Lyudmyla Zaviryukha and the OPORA observers Viktoriya Tonkovid and Dmytro Bashtovyy shared their opinions with the journalists. According to the message of the OPORA delegates in Mykolaiv region, the public observation was held by 49 observers, the percent of coverage on the Ukrainian language and literature tests was 75%, on other subjects – 25%.

CN OPORA noticed that all the testing centers were well-prepared to the testing. There were no objections to the testing organization and the staff – they did their job pretty well, didn’t afford to cheat and to use cell phones (unlike the Russian State Exam), led the graduates to the WC’s and to the exit from the testing center. (CN OPORA noticed the lowering of quantity of the graduates who went to the WC during the testing). During the last year testing the observers noticed the books and textbooks in the WC’s, and there were no such cases this year.

L. Zaviryukha told about the peculiarities of the preparation to the tests this year. During the last year the registration of the graduates for the testing was the task performed by the civil workmen in the comprehensive educational institutions (2009) and in the Registration point (2010), this year each person willing to pass the tests registered via the internet.

The next stage of the procedure was forming the package of the required documents, and the graduate received the certificate for testing by mailing service.

But, according to the information provided by the observers, during first days of Ukrainian language and literature testing dozens of the graduates arrived to the testing centers without certificates hence they claimed that they didn’t receive them by mail.

Following the words of L. Zaviryukha, it’s hard to say whose gilt was it – perhaps, the mail didn’t work well enough. There were not so much such graduates – approximately 1% of the registered: out of 6445 registered graduates only 60 didn’t receive their certificates.

There were attempts to fix the situation: the graduates who didn’t get the certificates were called from Odesa regional center of evaluation of quality of education and from Mykolaiv regional institute of post-graduate pedagogical education, and the quantity of those who didn’t get the certificates lowered: the graduates took away the documents either in the testing day or the day before. Nevertheless, there were some people who appeared in the testing center without certificate, but they didn’t lose the chance to be nominated this year as they were registered for the additional session.

The highest attendance was during the Ukrainian language and literature tests – 88% (June, 2) and 90% (June, 3), rather good – during the foreign languages testing – 90% (English) and 89% (German), on the mathematics tests – 88%. The lowest attendance was registered on the Russian language tests – 65%.

The observers also told about the curious situations on the testing. We remind that it was prohibited to take the cell phones to the testing centers. Neither the instructors, nor the staff and the observers could use cell phones. Despite all the severe limitations and warning about the possible consequences, 3 graduates were excluded from the testing centers because of trying to get the clues through the phones.

Observers of CN OPORA and the deputy head of the MRIPPE L. Zaviryukha claimed that they have no objections to the conduction of the testing.

More information:
The coordinator of public observation in Mykolaiv region
+ 380 97 219 00 66