The Civil Network OPORA during the monitoring of admission campaign in Lviv universities verified all the awardees of contests and competitions held by Minor Academy of Sciences, who head the ranking lists.

Observers of CN OPORA reviewed the rating lists of 29 universities. Most of the winners of competitions wished to become students of Lviv National University of Ivan Franko - there were 38 diplomas of the awardees there; to the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" – 7, to Lviv National Medical University of Danylo Halytskyy – 4; to Drohobych State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko - 2 diplomas; to the Ivan Franko National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology of  S. Hzhytskyy - 1 diploma. 

The names of winners that are eligible for non-competitive entry to higher education, was checked with the names listed in order of MES № 504 "On results of the nationwide student competitions and tournaments in  2009/2010 academic year", and in the Order № 536 "On the results of III stage of all-Ukrainian contest for scientific research between students that are members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2010." The results are positive: university entrants in Lviv didn’t try to deceive the admission board and submit false or invalid diplomas of  the  winners.

It should be noted that on Friday, August 6, universities are obliged to publish lists of persons recommended for admission on the official boards of the admission committee and on the website of the institution. OPORA will monitor the process so that all Lviv universities have made it in time for graduates not residing in Lviv, managed to submit original documents. 

Note: We remind that according to the 2010 University admission terms, participants of international competitions, the winners (those awarded with diplomas of I - III degrees)of the  IV stage of State  Olympiads  for the basic subjects and the awardees (those awarded with diplomas of  I - III degrees) of the III stage of State contests of  scientific researches for student  members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are  transferred to the rating list of graduates right after the people entering out of competition and those recommended after the interviews (according to p.15.2 of the Admission terms). Thus the following applicants, having lower overall scores on the test results, which include the average rating of the school certificate, may be in the rating on higher position than applicants who come under the general competition.

Contact persons (public observers of the admissions in the Lviv region, OPORA):

Nazar Matkivsky - +38 063 628 68 38 

Ksenia Ditchuk - +38 063 314 32 83