The CN OPORA was widely contacted by students and their parents with suspicions that the tops of the ratings in prestigious universities are taken by false winners of prestigious competitions. In this regard, OPORA checked lists of students of  Kiev National University of Taras Shevchenko and Kyiv National Economic University of Vadym Hetman.

So the largest number of "fake" winners is in Kiev Shevchenko University. For example, out of 11 top-ranking positions in the Institute of Journalism, 10 students are marked "+" in column "a winner of competitions / contests." However, the names of these 10 entrants are absent in order of MES № 504 "On results of the nationwide student competitions and tournaments  in 2009/2010 academic year" or in the Order № 536 "On results of the III stage of Ukraine contest between students-members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2010".

Absence of applicants in the lists of orders is the evidence of falsification of data and abuse of the right for primary enrollment. The same situation was in Kiev Taras Shevchenko University on the following specializations: accounting and auditing (4 of 5 first places are occupied by "fake" winners), international business (Institute of International Relations - 1 of the first 5 students), international economic relations ( Institute of International Relations - 2 of 10), international relations (Institute of International Relations - 6 of 21). 

At the same time, in the KNEU the priority right of entry belonged not only to winners of national competitions, but also to participants, although the least should not have any advantages compared with students who enter the general competition. These individuals were found in the top list of business economics (one entrant), finance and credit (2 entrants in the first 20 and 1 graduate never participated in such contests). 

OPORA refers to the admission boards of the universities of Ukraine to check the availability of documents in individual cases of the applicants to confirm their awards, and verify the names in the respective Orders of MES. 

Note: We remind that according to the Terms of admission to universities in 2010, participants of international competitions, the awardees (those awarded with diplomas of I - III degrees) of IV stage of Ukraine student contests for the basic subjects and awardees (those awarded with diplomas of I - III degrees) of the III stage of State contests of scientific researches, members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are included to the rating list of students right after the people who come out of competition and recommended after the interview (according to p.15.2 of Admission terms). That is, the above-mentioned applicants, with lower overall scores on the test results, which include the average rating of the school certificate may be higher in the rating than applicants who come under the general competition. 

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