Changes to the Terms of Admission
to higher educational institutions of Ukraine

1.Paragraphs 5.3 - 5.7 of Section V shall be read as follows:
"5.3. The admission of documents from applicants for full-time study based on complete secondary education ends on August 5, except  the cases in accordance with paragraph 5.4 and 5.5 of this section.
5.4. The deadline of admission of the documents from persons who enter on the basis of complete secondary education and have to pass entrance examinations in higher educational institutions in accordance with paragraphs 8.1 - 8.3 Chapter VIII of these Terms shall expire on July 27. Entrance examinations are held in two sessions - from July 23 to August 5.
5.5. Admission of the applications and documents from persons who should pass creative competition in higher education institutions in accordance with paragraphs 3.7, 7.5 of Chapter VII of these Terms shall expire on July 27. Creative competitions are held in two sessions - from July 23 to August 5.
5.6. Admission of the applications and documents from persons, who enter the university after the basic secondary education, ends July 27. Entrance examinations are held in two sessions - from July 23 to August 5.
5.7. Rating list of applicants who enter the university after the basic and complete secondary education, with indication of persons recommended for admission, shall be made public not later than August 6 "

2.Paragraph 5.9 of Section V shall be read as follows:
"5.9. The nomination of the graduates with the basic and full secondary education to full-time education for the state budget costs shall be conducted not later than August 15; at the expense of individuals and legal entities - after nomination for the state budget costs of appropriate field (specialty), but not later than August 25."