Instead of the Order the Ministry of Education prepared a letter, but this is not legally binding!

On July 20-21 media and the public discussed the issue of extension of the dates of documents admission in the admission campaign in 2010. 

Besides, on July,21 at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov voiced the request to the Minister of Education and Science Dmytro Tabachnyk to resolve problems with queues at the universities and continue the deadline for applications. 

On July 22 at the official website of the Ministry of Education the information appeared that the admission of documents will continue until August 5. However, instead of the Order, which has a higher legal force, this information was confirmed by Letter to the executive authorities that subordinate the universities, Ministry of Education, Crimean AR, Departments of Education and Science of Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations, heads of universities. 

Therefore, the letter in fact has no legal consequences; hence the Admission Terms and the decrees of MES clearly define the terms of admission. Admission and all changes thereto are approved by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Letter is a document that is advisory in nature.

So OPORA urges Minister Dmytro Tabachnyk not to mislead students and to prepare Order which approves the obligatory implementation of proposed changes, or notify the public that the deans continue the terms of admission of documents on their own. 

Download a letter from the Minister of Education

Contact person:
Olha Ajvazovs'ka,
Chairman of the Management Board of CN OPORA