June 1, Vinnytsya. At 11.00 in Vinnytsya Press Club the press conference of CN OPORA took place, during which were presented the results of information and mobilization campaign "Fair university admissions - 2010", and the public observation of  EIT in the Vinnytsya region was announced. 

The press conference was attended by: 

Kudyrko Volodymyr - Methodist of  VRCEQE
Natalia Konovalova - Parent Committee of CPP school № 26 
Oleh Levchenko - OPORA 
Natalya Velychko - OPORA 

According to Oleh Levchenko, the important part of awareness campaign "Fair admissions 2010" was the work with parents' committees in secondary schools. Meetings took place not only in urban schools (Vinnytsia, Bar), but also in rural (village Severynivka, village Chernyatyn in Zhmerynka district). Questions and concerns of parents in rural and urban schools were similar. Most parents supported EIT and expressed concern connected with inopportune changes in the terms of admission to universities and in general, would like the actions of the Ministry of Education were more transparent and consistent. Most parents were concerned about the likelihood of introducing an additional exam in high school, methods of using the average score of school certificate and different levels of students in urban and rural schools. During the meeting with the parents of future graduates, the representatives of OPORA talked about this year's admission model, the opportunity to join public monitoring procedures of external evaluation. 

Coordinator of public observation of EIT in Vinnytsya region Natalya Velychko told that OPORA will conduct a campaign of monitoring procedures for external assessment in 18 regions of Ukraine. In Vinnytsya region, observers will work at 40% of testing points during each session of the Ukrainian language and literature, 30% of points in mathematics and other subjects will be provided by observers in the quarter of necessary amount. Information about the quality of preparation and the EIT from each of observers will come quickly to the call center of the organization via SMS. During the admissions the hotline of CN OPORA will operate, there you can call to get free legal advice and report on cases of violations of testing procedure and admissions. 

According to Volodymyr Kodyrko,  the methodist of VRCEQE, Vinnytsya region is  ready for external testing at a high organizational level. The EIT will be maintained in 37 testing points in the region, in general, according to the results registered in VRCEQE, students expressed a desire to make 139,613 tests, among them, 820 tests in Russian, which is 0.6% of the total. The oldest EIT participant is 55 years old. The transparency of EIT procedures will be provided by public observers from the school parent councils, NGOs and the media. 

In April-May 2010 OPORA together with the Committee of Voters of Ukraine with support of the International "Renaissance” Fund held a public awareness campaign "Transparent admissions 2010" in all regions of Ukraine. The campaign was aimed at educational work around a) the characteristics of admissions this year, b) procedures for external assessment and c) the mechanism of protection of the rights of entrants.