On April 30, 2010 in the expert club "Pure politics" was a round table "Features of admissions in 2010: advantages and disadvantages"

The event was held within the project "Information Campaign "Transparent admissions-2010 ", implemented by the All-Ukrainian NGO "Committee of Voters of Ukraine" and the civil network" OPORA" with the support of the educational program of the International Fund" Renaissance ". The partner of this project in Chernihiv region is Polissya Foundation of International and Regional Studies. 
The round table was participated by the responsible for EIT in Chernihiv region, representatives of the Department of Education of Chernihiv city council, teachers of higher educational institutions and schools, representatives of parent councils, employers and journalists. 

During the round table the responsible for the EIT in the Chernihiv region Victor Dovbnya informed the participants about the history of the introduction of testing in Ukraine, international experience of  knowledge evaluation, as well as changes in the process of independent testing, especially the admissions in 2010. In particular, the number of universities, where the entrant may submit an application should not exceed five, number of training areas in one high school should not exceed two, higher education institutions are given the right to allow to participate in the competition for the entrants with a certificate with scores of non-core items less than 124 points, provided that the number of points on majors is not below 170 points for each subject; entrants have the right to file a certificate of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Evaluation, issued in 2008 or in 2009 or in 2010. 

According to Victoria Pekur, Head of the Department of Education of the City Council, the regional schools are fully ready for the EIT, 11.5 thousand graduates are willing to participate independent testing. 

To form an overall picture of the level of public support to EIT, the round table participants were presented the results of a nationwide survey "Attitudes of Ukraine's population to external independent testing" conducted by the Fund "Democratic initiatives" and the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, with financial support of the "Renaissance" fund. According to data obtained, the dominated idea in the society is that external evaluation is a more honest way of independent selection of graduates for admission to the university than the entrance exam. Especially prone to prefer the system of entry for external testing results are  those whose children or children of friends proceeded to the university by the testing results - almost 80% think this system better. 

During further discussion Yuri Tkach, deputy director on educational work in BSF PVNZ "European University", said that students who joined the university as a result of testing in previous years merely demonstrate a high level of success. That is truly independent assessment serves as the selection of the most talented and capable young people. 

Representatives of higher education also positively assessed the limitations of educational institutions to which the applicant may submit an application. Employee of the Chernihiv State Technological University Irina Sydorenko expressed the view that this innovation will not only simplify university entry prediction results, but will encourage future students to learn. 

The director of TRK "Dytynets" Oleksandr Lomako said that employers value not the procedure to access further education but the quality of training in high school. But the possibility of the admissions process through independent testing of more educated young people can lead to an increase in the level of training of future specialists. 

During discussion of the most controversial issue was the consideration of grade point average for admission to the certificate of higher education. And general educators, parents and students agreed that the current EIT system insufficiently motivates students to study a wide range of subjects, except those with whom the child is planning to write tests. In addition, as it was stated by the lecturer of school number 22 Regina Husak, testing does not include psychological characteristics of future entrants. However, according to most participants, putting the average score not only does not solve the mentioned issues but also brings an element of subjectivity in the assessment of knowledge can lead to mechanical "wrap" of the points and creates the basis for abuse. 

Participants negatively discussed the next year introducing of additional exams at the university as they can completely destroy the existing system of unbiased assessment of students' knowledge. 

In general all the roundtable participants agreed that the system of external testing provides an appropriate level of objectivity of  students’ knowledge , significantly reduces corruption in the education sector and needs further improvement as the no-alternative instrument of equal access to higher education.